Honda C20AT Engine

This page lists the C20AT specifications for the engine built by Honda.

Fuel Type Petrol
Configuration V6
V6 90 Degrees with a Variable Geometry Turbocharger
Combustion Type Forced Induction (Single Turbo)
Displacement (cc) 1,996 cc
Cylinders 6
Cylinder Bore (mm)
Cylinder Stroke (mm)
Valves 24
Valves Per Cylinder 4
Valvetrain SOHC
Compression Ratio
Power (kW) 142 kW
Torque (N⋅m)
Redline (RPM)
Weight (kg)
Production 1989 - 1989

Where listed, power output figures are based on the most powerful production variant of that engine, because some manufacturers use different engine maps to tune the same engine for better fuel economy, performance or to differentiate models in the range.

Honda pioneered variable-geometry turbo chargers. The "Wing Turbo", as Honda called them, were controlled by an 8-bit processor ECU and they were constantly adjusting. Basically, at low speeds the wings surrounding the turbine wheel inside the compressor housing on the intake side would be nearly closed to speed and direct exhaust pressure precisely on the turbine wheel. At 2,000 RPM, the wings would fluctuate and it would act like a much larger turbo to increase fuel economy as needed.

Last Updated: 4th February 2021 at 21:27:49